Saturday, February 19, 2011

New Found Love

I was just introduced into the band Mumford and Sons....a london-based bluegrass eclectic group of great lyrics and ridiculously good sound. I dont know how I've missed out on their incredible music for the last four years! Nonetheless, they're my music love of the month. If you havent looked them or heard them yet, do it now!

Until then....Play these songs!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Month of Love

Ok, so I must admit I'm stealing this idea from a dear friend, but she inspired me! As it's the month of love...(really? February?? May or June feels much more lovey to me), I will be posting things throughout the month that I love : )

for today...I'd like to begin with my one and only thing I do not love! Ok, there are many more things I don't love, but this one is takes first place at the moment...

and the winner is.....

MATH! it's possible I actually hate it.

Ok, back to something I truly love

Today's winner:

She's long, and lanky, and as a sweet as ur old banky!
It's... Sally! My true love.
If there's one thing I wish I could fit in my pocket, it'd be her.